Taking back small change if you pay with a large bill is somewhat rude.
The van driver paid for the gas with a $50 bill, giving the attendant a $2 tip.
The cab fare was $3, and the woman paid with a $5 bill.
He paid for his first beer with a twenty-dollar bill.
Don't try to pay with a $100 bill: it is not accepted.
At the counter, I paid with a $10 bill, and received $5 change.
The waitress brought his whiskey, and he paid for it with a $20 bill.
The bill was $19, and he paid the bartender with a $20 bill.
Paying with a $10 bill should have resulted in change of about $8, not $7.
He paid for his 25-cent purchase with a $100 bill, and my mom had never seen one, let alone have the possibility of changing it.