Last month, however, they signed a union contract that raised their wages and gave them paid vacations and health insurance.
The money pays for two programs: summer camps and vacations with rural families.
Most have day jobs, often through a temporary agency, and most lack paid vacations, benefits or job security.
Then we pay them real well, and give them full health plans, and dental, and paid vacations, the whole nine yards.
They rarely have sick leaves, paid vacations or insurance, they add.
In addition to their wages, they may receive benefits, such as subsidized health care, paid vacations, holidays, sick time, or contributions to a retirement plan.
But too often the free trips are simply paid vacations.
These summits are paid vacations for politicians, a perk of any top executive job.
Even sewing shops that stay within the law rarely offer their employees paid vacations or health benefits.
It would firmly ban free meals, entertainment and paid vacations from lobbyists and other special interests.