As class size rises elsewhere, California is paying schools to reduce it.
The regime was tough, but not altogether unlike that of paying residential schools of the time.
"Choice alone," the decision said, "cannot overcome the fact that the tuition program would directly pay religious schools for programs that include and advance religion."
In Michigan, the state pays schools the same amount, almost $6,000, for each student enrolled.
This year the state paid private and parochial schools about $28 million to take children with vouchers.
By contrast, private fee paying schools did very nicely thank you during the same period.
Clearly nonsense when our top Universities are dominated by a handful of fee paying schools.
Be careful to include all the public funded private sector and tax-subsidised fee paying schools though won't you?
There are both free and paid schools, with all types of facilities for education from kindergarten to graduation.
But they did not have money to go to "pay schools."