Moreover, the company continues to pay dividends on its common stock that total about $500 million annually.
From 1887 - 1924 the corporation paid a regular dividend on its common stock.
The company has laid off hundreds of employees and stopped paying a dividend on its stock.
The company has not paid dividends on its common and preferred stock for more than three years.
OK then, when: Apple does not currently pay dividends on its common stock.
The company also said it would stop paying dividends on its common stock.
But the company still did not earn enough to cover the dividends it pays on its preferred stock.
Lilco has not paid dividends on its common and preferred stock since mid-1984.
A third bank cut the dividend it pays on its stock.
Western Union's troubles became clear in 1984, when banks canceled a credit line and the company stopped paying dividends on its stock.