How about paying informants inside radical Islamic communities?
They honeycombed the territories with local intelligence units that infiltrated Palestinian armed groups through agents, electronic surveillance and paid informants.
During that conflict, Special Operations troops had to wait for the C.I.A. to pay informants and could not always count on timely support, the Pentagon concluded.
According to witnesses and United States government files, several of the officers were paid informants and liaisons for the Central Intelligence Agency.
The Chief has maintained that the money was used to pay informants, buy drugs and finance other undercover work that requires confidentiality.
It also had paid informants in each unit, something the Colombian government had signally failed to do.
You gotta figure they have paid informants inside that Hamas bunch.
"What we have heard, and we have heard every day, is people who are paid informants who have made allegations," he said.
The callers took advantage of the Crime Stoppers line, in which the department pays informants for tips that later result in indictments.
The system for paying informants is not working well, some officers warn.