Some local cable operators also promise to pay for teacher training and curricular materials.
California, with 57 programs, paid for teacher training until recently and continues to subsidize test fees for low-income students.
He said the money would pay for the programs, teacher training and parent education.
Otto-Eldred School District uses its $177,353 to fund paying teachers for new curriculum development, and teacher training.
The district used the funding to provide Full Day kindergarten, to pay for teacher training and teachers to develop new courses.
Additionally, the grant paid for mandatory teacher training to optimize the computers use.
Yonkers was to pay for teacher training, new schools and new curriculums - estimated to cost $335 million.
The Portuguese government is fostering the project, paying for teacher training in a language that almost no Timorese speak when other educational needs are enormous.
It notes that current Federal programs can be used to pay for tutoring, after-school programs, summer instruction and supplemental teacher training.
Last year the society raised $175,000 to buy books and supplies and to pay for teacher training and curriculum development.