You may be able to claim them if you pay for assets or certain fixtures and integral features in buildings your business owns.
If they do, they will be paying billions for assets they sold for about $400 million.
Some analysts, however, have said that companies may be paying too much for assets that might lose their allure if energy prices were to drop.
Still, a number of people on Wall Street wonder whether Meditrust really has a strategy and suggest it may be paying too much for assets.
The Government stepped in and bought the shares from the public, paying more than 7 billion shekels ($3.5 billion) for assets worth much less.
Residential Resources, along with others in the industry, bases its accounting reports on what it paid for assets, not on what they are worth.
The public is entitled to know what has been paid for public assets; there can be no ifs or buts about that.
The value of the chargeable consideration includes anything paid for assets that form part of the land or property.
Hire purchase is a similar way of paying for assets, but you end up owning them.
The brand is valued based on what others in the market have paid for similar assets.