The transfer fee was, at the time, one of the highest that Norwich had paid for a player, but little return on it was received.
The $2 million price tag is the highest paid for a player by the league, which owns all player contracts.
So simply to pay for a player like Gedman we'd have to draw another 200,000 fans just to break even.
And what is the most that Milan have ever paid for a player?
Is it worth paying £25m and the like for a player who is going to want to leave early?
The money the tickets bring in finances the next production or pays for a new player, expensive transactions that could force prices even higher.
'I've made an offer to the club to pay for a player on loan myself,' said Shilton.
The Torres deal remains the British transfer record paid for a player.
The only worry Hill has for him now is that when teams pay big for a player, they expect quick results.
He says you have to be realistic and who's going to pay a million pounds for a player who's thirty in october.