It was the most money paid for a horse at auction, easily exceeding the record $13.1 million set in 1985.
The most he has paid for a horse is $625,000.
First, I paid two hundred dollars for a horse and had it brought to the house by truck and let loose in the back pasture.
I could never juice an owner into paying so much money for a horse.
At the time this was highest price ever paid for a horse anywhere in the world.
It was the highest price ever paid for a horse in Finland.
It was the highest price ever paid for a horse at the time.
The hobby is costly: the record price paid for a walking horse in recent years was $650,000, said Mr. McConnell.
It cost me twice what any reasonable man would pay for a horse.
The highest price paid for a horse this year was $525,000; last year it was $800,000.