The Archdiocese will pay the fine along with the clinic's debts of about $250,000.
We also pay $25 monthly along with our maintenance for the privilege of having a tenant.
I understand that this is the price you pay, along with the admission, and that neither are very much.
Despite this they pay their license fee along with everyone else.
If discounts are too large, the stockholders pay, along with managers who may lose their jobs.
"The trees must pay along with the rest of us."
My concern was: Would my family pay the price along with me?
Chambers, who held out hope that the teams could find a home in Newark, paid the note, along with other owners.
Only sixty dollars each, and out of that she paid for materials, along with a commission.
The judge said that he had to pay $1.1 billion along with interest of $376 million.