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He paused politely to let us unplug our ears and mop up our spilled drinks.
Later, as they departed, Mrs. Pollock politely paused to say goodbye to me.
The waitress paused politely and Jeffrey took a dumpling filled with some sort of meat.
Bonney caught sight of me and paused politely at Melinda's desk lest he interrupt our conversation.
Sarek paused politely, taking notice of the stranger who stood next to Silek's desk.
He paused politely; then: "I have no objection naturally.
He moved two doors down and we followed, pausing politely while he unlocked a viewing room and ushered us in.
The citizen captain paused politely, quirking one eyebrow to ask if he followed her logic.
On the way out, she pauses to take a drink from a water fountain and politely offers him a drink from it as well.