Having picked up the vermin trail, the patrol marched swiftly onward over the grasslands in the fine spring morning.
The patrol marched on and the raiders slipped on to the airfield where they managed to place bombs on the twenty-one aircraft, some vehicles and a fuel dump.
At the base of the hill, a small patrol of infantry were marching back towards the camp.
The others formed in two ragged ranks behind him, and the patrol marched into the night as if stepping to three different drums.
People watched through cracks in the windows as the patrol marched through lanes still cluttered by bricks and rocks hurled by Hindus and Muslims on Wednesday night.
A patrol marched into the courtyard, escorting several curfew violators.
A patrol marched by.
A patrol of Union infantry was marching from the Virginia side to the Washington side.
A uniformed patrol was marching... well, sauntering down the street ahead of us.
A patrol of Thorne's weary commandos marched past, moving a batch of prisoners to a more secure location.