In the late afternoon of 29 May, she encountered a large and a small freighter, escorted by three patrol frigates.
All six patrol frigates got underway for Kodiak in the Territory of Alaska on 7 June 1945.
Added in the early 1970s was a new ocean escort called the patrol frigate (PF).
The ship was a patrol frigate.
She was reclassified as patrol frigate and changed the hull number to (PF-6).
Captured vessels included two patrol frigates, over one hundred patrol craft, and about fifty amphibious warfare ships.
The six patrol frigates arrived at Seattle on 26 April 1945.
The patrol frigate was sold 20 May 1947.
The worst moments were when they were ordered to heave to by patrol frigates.
At this time, she was re-rated as a patrol frigate.