Australian patrols sent out specifically to find the Viet Cong had not encountered the force.
According to Asher, the patrol never actually encountered soldiers, only police and armed civilians.
"I have received your patrol report-the one where Second Company encountered two fallen trunks."
At 12:00 a Polish forward patrol from the ridge encountered the Canadian vanguard near Point 239.
There was even a remote possibility that the lost patrol might have encountered a hostile force.
On one occasion his patrol encountered seven enemy machines, two of which he drove down out of control.
The following day, 6 August, the same patrol encountered two Arab funeral processions.
During one incident a patrol of the battalion encountered a German detachment.
A Spanish patrol encountered the remnants of the French force, and took them prisoner.
Our patrols seldom encountered the Rebel, even when our wizards helped hunt.