I had a confidential notice circulated, saying that the patrol discovered a pirate group has been getting spies aboard cargo ships.
The patrol pounced and grabbed the surprised Germans, only to discover that they also had no water with them.
On 21 August, a patrol discovered a second, much larger, dry lake bed at Myola.
At dawn, after a Japanese patrol discovered the Marines, both adversaries began to engage each other with mortar, machine gun, and small arms fire.
On their journey the patrol discovers the remains of Commissioner Kirby's escort.
At night the patrol discovers what happens, but Billings refuses to kill Wanima.
At that moment, a patrol discovers the two kids standing in the doorway, and they immediately proceed to assault Jean, the little girl.
A Turkish patrol discovered them, and a firefight ensued.
Something had gone wrong when that patrol had discovered and unmasked the false Brazil when it did.
Later at the camp, a patrol discovers a dead sentry whom Rambo eliminated with a throwing knife.