Andrija Hebrang started the campaign with patriotic rhetoric with the slogan 'For a proud and European Croatia'.
No one on either side had excelled the patriotic rhetoric of the German Catholic hierarchy.
The Nixon Administration, for all its campaign promises and patriotic Conservative rhetoric, is not part of the solution, it is part of the problem.
Twenty years earlier, it had been his patriotic rhetoric which had briefly rallied the nation around him and done so much to consolidate his grip on absolute power.
The Prussian state had mounted a campaign steeped in patriotic rhetoric to rally their citizens to repulse the French occupation.
Although the French public was susceptible to patriotic rhetoric and to comforting illusions about France's place in the world, it did not share de Gaulle's sense of priorities.
Central and local legislatures do not have an understanding of their role in creating legal environment good for economic growth and instead compete in patriotic rhetoric.
A few leaders using drumbeating and patriotic rhetoric to convince the masses of things no sensible person would otherwise approve of.
Yet the same patriotic rhetoric that suddenly honored compliant former dissidents was also utilized to silence new critics.
They kept their weapons and supported themselves by brigandage, in many cases sheltering behind the patriotic rhetoric of the Can Vuong insurgency.