'Daughters of the American Revolution, society of women formed in 1890 for patriotic and charitable purposes.'
Some executives say they now see a patriotic purpose in returning to the airwaves, to demonstrate that terrorists cannot scare the country into altering its way of life.
The reason he took it off the seller's hands was not for personal snuggling, or aggrandizement, but for patriotic purposes.
But there is no higher patriotic purpose than to protect our system of government.
Mrs. Drilling's undisciplined, romantic impulses are being harnessed, like the power of the atom, for patriotic purposes.
But by the mid-1980's, his sense of patriotic purpose had frayed, and disillusionment set in.
They say they are drawn to Israel not by patriotic purpose, but by the giddy prospect of seeing birds in numbers too great to count.
For nostalgia, social, patriotic or entertainment purposes, there are many reasons why the genre have leaned so close to commercial music in the past.
Rebels taking over private property for the patriotic purpose of looting:
The founders had created the club for "patriotic purposes and to promote all kinds of sports".