Overhead, the sky sizzles with patriotic displays and bright advertisements.
Independence Day is a national holiday marked by patriotic displays.
The College Green has been the site of musical performances, protests, progressive movements, and patriotic displays.
The family business is the manufacture of flags and fireworks, evidently an easy source of wealth due to the national enthusiasm for patriotic displays.
That was about it for patriotic display.
Fireworks displays are the norm in Manila on that day as well as other patriotic displays nationwide.
Independence Day is a national holiday marked by patriotic displays in most Brazilian cities.
"For immigrant families in the post-9/11 era, when the pressure for patriotic displays can be intimidating, these concerns are particularly significant."
It is a patriotic display.
"And we always do a patriotic display at this time of year - lots of flags, eagles, and red, white and blue."