His patrilineal ancestors were likely a French Catholic family named Barbier who had left France at the time of the French Revolution.
If someone possesses a surname containing "Der" or "Ter" it usually signifies that this person has a patrilineal ancestor who was a priest.
Both genetic studies concluded that Somerled's patrilineal ancestors originated in Scandinavia.
Confucianism, the official religion, was the preserve of an upper-class male elite, and its rituals acknowledged only patrilineal ancestors.
Ancestral tablets found in Chinese homes only state the names of patrilineal ancestors and their wives.
Man appears to be descended from patrilineal ancestors.
This haplogroup contains the patrilineal ancestors of most Europeans and almost all of the indigenous peoples of the Americas.
Bearing the surname indicates that one's patrilineal ancestors were priests in the Temple of Jerusalem.
Of 211 known European G2bs, 8 are known to have non-Jewish patrilineal ancestors.
"The following is the list of chiefs who are said to have ruled the Hejaz and to have been the patrilineal ancestors of Muhammad."