Their immediate diagnosis was that the patient had swallowed her false teeth.
This route may be useful if a patient cannot swallow and IV access is established.
That is, the state will start paying for people to watch these recalcitrant patients swallow their pills.
Presently the patient was swallowing soup as the hermit spooned it out to him.
The doctor will connect the remaining healthy part of the esophagus to the stomach so the patient can still swallow.
If the patient cannot swallow, two types of nutrition support are commonly used:
A feeding tube is easy if the patient will swallow it down; if not, it's hell.
He is like one of the bitter potions the healers must mix with honey so that patients will swallow it.
Health workers went into crack houses to watch patients swallow pills.
The existing combination regimens are extremely demanding, in part because patients must swallow dozens of pills a day.