Sometimes the patient succumbs quickly enough to be still well nourished.
Too many patients with seemingly early disease that is confined to the breast area nonetheless suffer a recurrence and eventually succumb to the disease.
Cholangitis is a medical emergency as it may be life threatening and patients can rapidly succumb to acute liver failure or bacterial sepsis.
As soon as the patient succumbed to death, unconsciousness or an anesthetic, the thing appeared to lose interest.
Despite aggressive treatment, including assisted mechanical ventilation, the patient succumbed to the effects of her primary infection and died 15 days later.
Association with the cardiovascular system is seen when the brain tumors reach the medullary cardiovascular centers, at which point the patient usually succumbs to death.
Over a ten-week period, four intensive-care patients had succumbed to blood poisoning and died.
Afterwards the patient would develop pustules identical to those derived from naturally occurring smallpox and succumb to a mild fever.
Because of clinical problems related to smoking and alcohol use in this population, many patients succumb to intercurrent illness rather than to the primary cancer.
Even if the medicines helped, the patients might succumb to the 11,830-foot altitude.