But patients who are within the limits retain the ability to raise an affirmative defense at trial even if they fail to register with the state.
Psychiatric social workers work with doctors, obtaining reports on the patients' home situation and helping patients retain contact with the outside world.
While patients generally retain some peripheral vision, they can lose the ability to read, recognize faces, drive and watch television.
Even if a patient retains one tooth, that will contribute to the denture's stability.
After proton therapy, however, patients can retain useful vision.
Individual patients should, however, retain ultimate control over their care and their primary nurse will often facilitate them to do so.
Other investigators have studied whether drugs that remove aluminum from the brain could help patients retain their memories and ability to think.
One such study suggests that many aphasic patients retain their abilities to process syntactic structures on-line.
Some patients retain lucidity throughout the illness until the end.
As a result, some patients with AD retain the ability to play instruments, such as the piano.