The IDPH report only considers cancer cases diagnosed up to the year 2006 and only those where the initial diagnosis was made while the patient resided in Crestwood.
Patients tend to stay three to four weeks at the Betty Ford Center compared with state-financed centers like Odyssey House, where patients reside an average of nine months to a year.
As many as 192 patients reside in dormitories on the campus.
By 1901, 46 patients resided at the Whitby Falls Hospital.
A voluntary mental patient may, if able to do so without assistance needed by reason of mental illness, made a declaration stating where he would otherwise be residing, or has resided, and be registered there.
Most of the living quarters were located in the wards where the patients also resided.
Caretakers of debilitated patients are encouraged to keep the environment the patient resides in clean.
Obese and overweight patients should be encouraged to lose weight and assisted in their weight loss efforts regardless of the HS stage in which the patient currently resides.
Both patients resided in the town of Raniya near Sulaimaniyah in the northern part of the country, close to the border with Turkey.
The kicker was that the patient under discussion was residing on its home world at the time of the illness.