All patients aged over 60 years having routine upper gastrointestinal endoscopy were eligible for entry into this study.
The study population thus consisted of 27 patients aged from nine to 69 months.
As his patients aged, he later opened his office to serve as a family practice, serving his original patients, their children and later their grandchildren.
Three subjects were excluded from final analysis because of protocol violation (two patients aged over 65, one patient with portal vein thrombosis).
Thus at least 100,000 deaths occur annually and 55,000 of these deaths are in patients aged less than 70 years.
Women were found to be more likely than men to poison themselves after receiving psychotropics, and patients aged between 15 and 29 years had the highest rates.
Retrospective review of hospital records of patients aged less than 73 years admitted to psychiatric hospital with various diagnoses of dementia.
However, a Canadian group of pediatric anesthesiologists found similar neuromuscular effects of mivacurium in patients aged between 2 mo. to 10 yr.
An attempt at geriatric screening in general practice in 1979, for example, found 145 patients aged over 70 with 400 conditions between them.