"Any pathological or unusual empathic responses?"
It encodes receptors that mediate the physiological, pathological and therapeutic responses to both exogenous and endogenous ligands.
The deamidation of glutamine residues catalyzed by tTG is thought to be linked to the pathological immune response to gluten in celiac disease.
Some commentators saw in the murders-suicides the ultimate pathological response of outsiders to a world from which they had been excluded.
However, such techniques can be useful in confirming complete pathological response when biopsies are obtained.
Optionally, fragments could be transcytosed across the enterocyte and presented at the basolateral membrane for immunocompetent cells, maybe initiating a pathological response in coeliac patients.
Pancreatitis is also a pathological response in humans to T. gondii infection.
Nor is the absence of such a response necessarily "pathological."
Some commentators interpreted this as the ultimate pathological response of outsiders to a world from which they had been excluded by swaggering, privileged athletes.
It was absolutely clear: the healthy response to the death of my father would be "mourning," and the pathological response would be "melancholia."