The pathetic sight of her younger sisters' pleading face was too much for Nicole.
A poor German woman presented a pathetic sight kneeling before her chest, which had burst open.
He would have been a pathetic sight even standing erect.
There's a palsy to his hands and a wild look in all it is a pathetic sight.
It was a pathetic sight to see him pale and almost on the verge of break down".
It was a pathetic sight, and one I never would have guessed from the self-contained superiority of his public face.
But a single tusk is, I must say it, a pathetic sight.
I need to say, however, that it was the most pathetic sight I have ever seen in my life!
In an inexplicable way, the lad looked a pathetic sight.
My ragged clothes and my thin arms must have made me a pathetic sight.