It was a wimpy, pathetic display.
They might consider not coming back after that pathetic display.
After your pathetic display near the armory last week, you could very easily have been demoted to the three hundredth and given waste-extraction duty.
It was a pathetic display by Gooden, and it placed his spot in the rotation in peril.
He could've wiped out a dozen men on the ground with that pathetic display of showing-off.
Another with a hideously scarred face watched him expressionlessly as he passed up his pathetic display of metalware.
Mallory shook off her pathetic display, reminding herself that she was a confident, successful woman who could control her baser instincts.
The whole pathetic display was embarrassing.
The farmers were shot at midday, not three hours ago, for nothing except a pathetic display of passive resistance.
Unnerved by the pathetic display, Tristan scowled down at her.