As the stenographer reached the main portion of the hall, she stepped squarely into the path of a man coming from an elevator.
The crossed paths of a man and a woman, both destined for stardom, one in Washington, the other in Hollywood.
"Probably not," he agreed, and took her hand in his to gently pull her out of the path of a man who wasn't looking where he was going.
It follows the path of a young man coming to terms with his extremist/Islamist mindset.
Leading the way for my comrades, I shouldered into the stream and across the path of a large man.
The crossed paths of a man and a woman destined for stardom.
I am young, Duke Hembreon, and perhaps not ready to trace the path of such a man without leaving marks that betray my own passing.
"The surest trap is the one you set in the path of a man running to avoid a trip," Dilkes said.
The crossed paths of a man and a woman who are destined for stardom in different professions.
But her eyes were on the bloody smear on the ground, tracking the path of a wounded man as he tried to crawl away.