It does not follow, however, that the actual path of evolution involved a loss of fitness.
But Brazil's path has taken 30 years of effort, required several billion dollars in incentives and involved many missteps.
The third path involves a shock from the outside, often in the form of an unsolicited job offer.
The path to a new headquarters took 14 months to traverse and involved five Manhattan buildings in two locations.
This is useful as the path involves very few synapses.
But then, Hill's path to publication involved him taking great pains to prevent anyone knowing about his famous father.
The other path that he might have followed would have involved a direct appeal to the French people to support his constitutional views.
For a time, that path had involved co-operation with Skade's plans.
For the moment, that path involves a marked and rather unfashionable indifference to social concerns.
This path towards a new era involves decision-making and implementation procedures.