But a second paternity claim will inevitably give his opponents more ammunition.
Hatten's attorney Paul Fegen told Extra they planned to file a paternity claim.
The judge ordered that Ms. Smith's body not be disposed of until Feb. 20, when he scheduled a hearing to decide the paternity claims.
Yeater withdrew her paternity claim as her story started to collapse and Bieber took a paternity test.
There were three pregnant women at the Forest Road border and they'd been raped because, of course, they couldn't sue the guards later on a paternity claim.
According to Brown, she came forward with the paternity claim to assist Steven in claiming his inheritance.
Vice President Al Gore long ago dropped his paternity claim to the Internet.
Lawyers for Mr. Brown's trustees sought the samples to help determine paternity claims made against him since his death at 73 on Dec. 25.
Coming up with the age of 18 meant if the donor were to assert paternity claims, so what?
I can drill Ronnie for additional information about his paternity claim.