"For the independents, fines for patent violation were less than profits from filmmaking."
Though R.I.M. denied any patent violations, it avoided a crisis by settling for $612.5 million.
You may also know that patent violations are common, with pirate hardware and software in use from Pluto on out.
He added that Motorola is accused of far fewer patent violations than Hitachi.
One is that it only takes one patent violation to make a product illegal.
That doesn't mean Apple's not guilty of the same sort of patent violations, and that their injunctions shouldn't be lifted.
In addition, Moroccan pharmaceutical companies have voiced concerns over increased penalties for intellectual property and patent violations.
If business methods could be patented, then many business decisions, no matter how small, could be potential patent violations.
Motorola has blocked some of these products from entering developed countries by charging patent violations.
I doubt Apple is actually concerned with any patent violations.