This effectively granted Genentech a patent term of 29 years.
But advocates of shorter patent terms may be moving against a more general political tide.
This raised concerns that applications that took more than three years to process would unfairly lead to shorter patent terms for inventors.
The longer it takes to get the patent, the shorter your patent term.
It would at least only affect drugs beyond patent protection correct (i.e. as a way to extend patent term)?
Because patents last for many years, it is common for lawsuits to conclude before the patent term has ended.
The two primary factors are the limited patent term and the obligation to disclose.
The new law on patent terms took effect on June 8.
The patent term is currently set at 20 years and further negotiation of the agreement would be needed in order to change this requirement.
In the 1880s and 1890s the Patent Act was amended to extend patent terms from 15 to 18 years, divided into 3 six year periods.