The British Typex was originally derived from the Enigma patents; Typex even includes features from the patent descriptions that were omitted from the actual Enigma machine.
But other sources suspect it to be ATM guidance device, even a patent description claims it to be laser-based IFF system.
The basic patent description is as follows:
His patent description provides interesting insights regarding the problems related to previous machines: if the cards were worn or bent, the shuffling could fail.
Based on the patent description and Otsuka press releases, the compound is described as having broad activity across multiple monoamine systems:
Measuring the signals on the pins of the recorder however reveals that the pinout of the actual implementation of the sync port differs from the patent description.
A competent mechanic can build a working replica of Burt's typographer from his patent description and drawings.
Goodrich's patent was granted on August 16, 1889, and his patent description varies little from the stovetop percolators sold today.
No copies of the patent descriptions and drawings were kept anywhere else, and only a copy of the official patent certificate was sent to the inventor.
There are a large number of leading IT companies that have never applied for patents, and virtually no IT specialists are interested in patent descriptions.