The patent belongs to the biotechnology company Centocor.
Because the patent does not belong to a financial institution, it presumably could be licensed to more than one maker of credit, debit or smart cards.
To this day, the patent for double jet turbofan engines widely used in all sectors of the world's aviation belongs to him.
The patents, if granted, would belong to the Federal Government.
The patent actually belongs to the National Institutes of Health, where the initial research described in the patent took place.
The process for frozen orange juice was patented in 1946 under an agreement in which the patent belonged to the federal government.
The patent on both the mouse and human forms of angiostatin belongs to Children's Hospital.
About 10,000 patents for traditional Chinese medicines belong to Western companies.
The patent belongs to my employer-his daughter now.
Any resulting technologies or patents will belong to the university, Stanford officials said.