Previous structures occupying the urban lots have been demolished, leaving patchy areas of green space that are usually unintended and unmanaged.
The many small spots may blend into large patchy areas, usually on the oily parts of the upper body like the chest and back.
There are patchy areas of Fucus cover in the middle and lower areas of the estuary but the majority is unvegetated.
Contemporary art is still a patchy area for auction houses.
It now remains in patchy areas among these stands and in nearby forest and even roadsides.
Radiographs of viral pneumonia may appear normal, hyper-inflated, have bilateral patchy areas, or present similar to bacterial pneumonia with lobar consolidation.
After some time, hair may regrow as before, come back in patchy areas, or not regrow at all.
It exists in small patchy areas and was extensively eroded at the end of the Ordovician.
He could see, except it was a feeling, more than a seeing, a patchy area of whiteness on the southern side of the open space that held the market.
The hair may lack luster, and there may be patchy areas of hair loss (alopecia).