If they saw neither, they would not suspect that a patch of blackness, stilled by a fringe of sagebrush, represented human life.
The patches probably represented forests and near-surface water tables interrupting what would otherwise have been smooth desert terrain.
Temporary rough patches at companies represent opportunity to him.
However, these white patches represent a normal hyperkeratotic reaction, similar to a callus on the skin, and will resolve when the cause is removed.
Little colored patches represented the last known positions of the Protector and of Narayan Singh.
Each patch represents a clone of cells derived from one original cell in the early embryo.
Each Interest Project comes as a patch or badge and each represent an achievement in a different area such as camping or first aid.
Each patch represents a different clan, stitched to the blue and the green of the Rigante.
The orange and green patches represent drier air.
Since the 1870's when French astronomers proposed the idea, it has sometimes been suggested that the dark patches represent vegetation.