The book was pasted together in a matter of weeks.
The two different eyes looked at him, like two women pasted together in the middle of the face.
The photos, pasted together, formed the basis of the composition.
It is made of photocopies pasted together but looks better than this suggests.
They are pasted together in layers and strips, with squares cut out at the center so the wall itself shows through.
Corey Allen gets credit for the direction but this is clearly another television production pasted together by committee.
They might have been pasted together from different pictures for all the relationship they bore to one another.
By putting repeaters all over the place, it's possible to paste together a wireless network that truly works.
Arendia needs to be unified, but who's going to rule once we get it pasted together?
She was seated at a preschool-size table, scrutinizing an image her son had pasted together.