Besides, it's an open ground for Karzzzz at the ticket window, what with the euphoria of all past releases having dried up.
Unlike past Alive releases, the songs on the album appear in the order they were performed, with the concert split into three acts.
Ek's influence was apparent as the album had a slightly more polished, less lo-fi sound than past releases.
The album continued the band's horror themes and dark tone; however it has a heavier sound than past releases.
It's an ongoing project that has evolved incrementally over the past several releases.
Down to the Bone is only for the dedicated Quiet Riot fans who weren't already turned off by their past few releases.
The Front Page Sports series in fact were still using primarily the same graphics and player animations as it had over the past two releases.
Sure, new folders created on the desktop still seem to unconditionally open in browser mode, but overall there's been an improvement over past releases.
It is a compilation album including many past releases as well as a few new songs.
They also noted it for being "more straightforward musically than past releases [...]".