"It is already past nightfall and we must find our path."
The group of people locks themselves in the mansion, and past nightfall, the zombies begin their siege.
The drizzle that had sent them off turned into a soft steady rain by midday, and continued well past nightfall.
The heavy fighting in the surrounding Old City district stretched well past nightfall and started a fire that illuminated the shrine's golden dome.
It is well past nightfall before the shelling eases and Haris can make his way over there.
Each aircraft is capable of carrying 25 to 30 tons of supplies, and the takeoffs and landings continued from early morning until past nightfall.
It was long past nightfall and Ban was exhausted but doing his best not to succumb to sleep.
Leaving the craft on the other side of the Vespera, the two trudged eastward until well past nightfall, sometimes following a road, sometimes cutting across the fields.
In the event, it did snow, soon after noon, and the flakes kept swirling down long past nightfall.
They bicycled for such a long time that it was past nightfall when they reached Lagi's farm.