"It'll sure make recruiting a lot easier if the new people don't have to admit to any past indiscretions."
I also believed that you had too much of an ax to grind against us for past indiscretions.
Some of his past indiscretions can be classed as crimes.
The team become worried that Stanton's past indiscretions may be used against him by the press and his political opponents.
Consequently, we must be happy with the merest whiff of past indiscretions.
She would hardly wish to make known the reappearance of a past indiscretion.
If he genuinely loved her, then he'd want to protect her from his past indiscretions and present troubles.
I had understood that you wished to redeem yourself for past indiscretions.
But Jorge hadn't stuck around to discuss past indiscretions.
The Inn's officers acknowledge past indiscretions, and say they have taken steps to prevent recurrences.