The critics call for forgiveness of past debts and, it seems, for an international relief effort rather than an investment program.
Among large countries, only the United States has forgiven all past Iraqi debt.
Taking it, denotes misery and failure to meet past debts.
We were not generating enough cash flow to run the daily operation and pay the past debt.
For their own reasons, which might include latitude for the captain's judgment; but maybe because of past debts.
Payment of the past debt is by no means automatic.
Of that, $1.2 billion would be used by the utility to pay past debts.
The law also permits candidates to accept individual contributions of up to $50,000 as long as the money is used to retire past debts.
Western cities also often offered broadcasting agreements and assumptions of past debts.
Mr. Cappellini said that under the new arrangement, past debts would be paid.