Not much on the killer, but the victim had a file of past convictions as long as your arm.
An undisclosed past conviction is one reason a license can be revoked.
It has not been mentioned what exactly were the reasons for his string of past convictions.
Juries are not usually allowed to know of a defendant's current or past convictions, but in this case the judge allowed it.
Evidence of past convictions or association with known criminals may be introduced.
Under present law, he cannot hold public office because of a past conviction for inciting religious hatred.
At least two others among those indicted were already in prison because of past convictions for stock fraud.
There are special rules relating to publication of past criminal convictions.
He has past criminal convictions and a history of using aliases.
It was less than the recommended range of 21 to 27 months, based on Edwards' past criminal convictions.