He does not regain his memories of the past adventures, but agrees to help her for a fee.
In his past adventures with his friends, he has kept himself to the back.
They call one another "brother" or "partner" in Spanish, trade stories about past adventures and talk politics but rarely argue.
After what the girls had said among themselves, it was plain there could be no ill consequences from the past adventure.
Then the stuffed monarch became lost in thought recalling the days of past adventures.
Then Irene heard a sound that brought new realism to all her past adventures.
Regular readers will know of our past adventures with food.
One consolation, he said, is that because of the painting's past adventures, it had already received two new linings.
Presumably clues from his past adventures had led him to this location.
This time I didn't want to relate past adventures but to consciously experience the present one.