The passport he carried identified him as a Lutheran.
The passport identified him as Marciál Bonifacio, an alias derived from "martial law" and Fort Bonifacio, where he was detained.
The Associated Press, quoting Jordanian officials, said the passports identified the men as Shawn Kendall, 28, and Barry Beads, 36.
Simeon Borisov Saxe-Coburgotski, as his new passport from the Republic of Bulgaria identifies him, was proclaimed king in 1943 at age 6 on the death of his father.
Using a passport under the false identify of Kim Chol, he avoided a flight via Beijing which might have given more exposure to his return home, the daily said quoting a source connected to North Korea.
That your passport does not identify you as Jason Bourne.
His Belgian passport further identified him as an aviator, a pilot.
Children whose passports identify them as Muslim (though their parents may be Bahai or Druze) must study Islam.
Until 1994, Constantine's official Greek passport identified him as "Constantine, former King of the Hellenes."
Even though Venezuela's population in his time was 80% pardo, passports, which were first issued under Gómez, identified carriers by the color of skin, which they still did until the 1980s.