In this manner, it is passively safe.
Research is being done to lessen the known problems of current reactor technology by developing automated and passively safe reactors.
International research is continuing into safety improvements such as passively safe plants, and the possible future use of nuclear fusion.
The report welcomed several steps toward reactors that are "passively safe," but said such a claim was overused.
As an example of a safety system with 'passively safe' components, let us consider the containment of a nuclear reactor.
This shows that though it is a passively safe system and has been properly actuated, it may not fulfil its mission.
Serious safety shortcomings characterize each of the "new generation" reactor concepts - even the so-called "passively safe" designs.
This type of reactor is claimed to be passively safe; that is, it removes the need for redundant, active safety systems.
Examples of these include elevators, the gas thermostats in most home furnaces, and passively safe nuclear reactors.
It is designed as a fast breeder nuclear reactor that is passively safe.