The fort would provide a place of shelter for troops while passively resisting an assault by the enemy.
Unable to understand what was being said - shouted in Chinese - the prisoner could only passively resist.
Some smaller settlements, even if they do more than passively resist, will be overwhelmed with superior, though unarmed, forces.
The Karens in the army fought them stoutly and the civil population passively resisted.
Demonstrators who passively resisted the evacuation were carried onto buses.
They passively resisted the occupation, and the economy suffered, significantly contributing to the hyperinflation that followed in Germany.
All we can do is resist passively and be as difficult as possible in the process.
What I do is organize nonviolent protests and tell my followers to resist passively.
The small vessel no longer struggled, nor even moved, but was merely resisting passively.
He tried to pull her into bed with him, but she resisted passively.