But millions of poor people gave passive support to those terrorists because they resented our greed or our support for their bad regimes.
Our native males are perfectly behaved, though they often lend passive support by not reporting things they should.
Instead, Syria provides "passive support" to groups it deems as legitimate resistance movements.
He can go on as before, hoping for the passive support of the Sweden Democrats.
Lots of Serbs have given real or passive support.
He used this argument not just to win the passive support of the miners' wives and other dependants but also to mobilize their active participation.
The United States' silence on that question is being interpreted all over the world as passive support for impunity.
Also, Iraq assisted the organization as a retaliation for the passive support.
He has given at least passive support to Croatian military forces in Bosnia.
But who were the guys in the middle - the killer pilots who went beyond passive support to become suicidal mass murderers?