However he failed to find an initiative and quickly fell into a passive position.
I don't like the passive position it puts us in.
Speelman's task was to discover a defense that would hold without landing Black in too passive a position.
"But most readers seem to prefer when women are in a passive position."
The listener shifts from a passive position, receiver, to an active role, sender.
The passive position of the Vargas government was untenable in the face of public opinion.
From the second half of 1942, he moved to more passive and alibistic position.
Perhaps f5 was better because once he takes on g6 his pieces get tied down, and Black ends up with a very passive position.
That was the crucial error: it put his knight out of play and left him in a passive position all across the board.
He determined that the students' individual abilities to independently learn and absorb information were severely stalled due to their passive positions in the classroom.