Its music was equally suitable for active or passive listening.
Placid as much of it may be, this is not a good album for passive listening.
Passively, the response from passive listening is different.
To fight the submarine, "Hydrophones" was the term used for sound equipment; it did not distinguish between passive listening and active sonar search and ranging of underwater sounds.
The APSOH sonar has active ranging, passive listening, and auto tracking of targets.
The radio and the phonograph, over the years, tended to supplant domestic music making with what has been described as passive listening.
Perhaps one should take issue with that term on the theory that there is no such thing as passive listening.
Active listening, of course, is far more preferable to advertisers than passive listening, in which listeners may tap their fingers or toes but not activate their thought processes.
One technology that holds promise for finding right whales is passive acoustic listening.
While active sonar could give an exact range to target, the same was not true for passive listening.