As a child, Papineau was described as an excellent reader, a passionate student, and a well-cultured young man.
But his taste for the dramatic obscures the fact that Leonsis is a passionate student of "new media."
And like Tevye, the musical's passionate students hardly seem destined for an easy road.
Bellori was a passionate student of what is now called "contemporary art."
As a result, despite the strict selectivity, passionate students still apply for such opportunities eagerly.
In this book, a passionate student of tragedy has revealed to all - though not, it seems, to himself - his hubris.
At the time, Kogălniceanu became a passionate student of history, beginning his investigations into old Moldavian chronicles.
"All I knew about this woman was that she was a lovely, extremely passionate student."
Like any true master, he was a deep, humble, and passionate student of his art.
But while in school, she proved to be an ambitious and passionate student.